Monday, August 25, 2008

bush type cowpea

bush type lentils, cowpea (vigna unguiculata) grown at padval farms. since they are bush type, no support is given to the growing plant. notice the heavy flowering & the pods size apporx 20 to 25 cm. Low quality video. click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

plucking fresh spinach

plucking fresh spinach early morning at Padval farms. Low quality video, click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

Ridge Gourd

Ridge Gourd (Luffa acutangula) grown at Padval farms. Low quality video, click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd (Mormodica charantia) also popularly known as Karela seen trained on a trellis at Padval farms. Low quality video. click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

Ash Gourd

Ash gourd (Benincasa hispida) crop harvested at Padval farms. Low quality video, click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza


Low quality video of Chilly crop (Capsicum annum ) click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza


Coccinia (Coccinia grandis) low quality video. click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza


Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp) low quality video. click play button to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza


indian spinach (Spinacea oleracea) low quality video click play to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

pumpkin patch

pumpkin( Cucurbita moschata) patch at Padval farms. low quality video. click play
button to watch

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza

pheromone traps for rhino beetle & red palm weevil

damaged coconut tree

Rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros and Red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus are 2 serious pests which account for over 60 percent damage & death to trees if their population is not checked.

Rhino beetle

These are big , black & heavily scaled insects, with a horn on its head giving it a rhino like appearance. They have wings & can fly. The adults bore the spathe & fronds which are tender and unopened. After opening of the spathe, one can see clear geometric cuts which will result in wilting of the inflorescence. The adults lay their eggs in fresh decaying manures and the larvae look like large prawns. Also when the base of the coconut roots are congested with excess mulch, it provides good conditions for the adults to lay the eggs in. the population peaks from june till September end.

Red Palm Weevil

These are orange red in color but not as large as the rhino beetle. Here presence of holes on the crown, stem, bole region can be noticed often with the oozing of a viscous liquid. Normally when the crown region is infected, wilting of the spindle can be noticed & results in slow death of the plant. Serious problem affecting farmers in coastal belt.

Trapping methods

pheromone lure with bucket

The pheromone bait is the most effective method in controlling the pests.

The principle is the same as mentioned in the previous post. Specialized buckets with 3 of 4 holes are made so that the pest can enter . the lure is suspended inside the bucket and water is added in the buckets. The bait buckets are placed at sites in the farm, where infestation is seen most.

red palm weevil seen on top & weekly catch including the black rhino beetles

after a week the water is checked for the catch & re filled to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Photos and content by Pritham 'Heavy metal farmer' denzil dsouza